Monday, March 13, 2006

Session 109

Week 9 and many many long hours with walks are over - for now. This have been the toughest week so far. My blocking was approved by Greg, but to go from blocking to refining was really really hard. There's so much going on in a walk and because we see it everywhere all the time, it's so easy to spot if it's wrong.

But, to get over the frustration of not understanding and to finally start grasping the concept is a huge feeling and totally makes all the effort worthwhile. Big applause to Bobby, Shawn and Carlos for putting this learning process together so well!

Session 109 assignment and pose communicating "Concerned":

Revision from Session 107 based on Gregs critique:


  1. Anonymous6:09 AM

    I said it at least once on your work area, but I really love your Tailor!

  2. That is a really nice vanilla walk. great stuff!!1

  3. Thanks a lot for your nice comments :)

