Tuesday, March 25, 2008

More Goodies

There's been posted some really cool goodies on the net during the last couple of weeks. It's probably well known to most, but anyway, here they are:

Shawn Kelly's Tips and Tricks E-book - An awesome collection of gold from one of the Animation Mentor founders. This one is not to be missed!

Jeff Gabors Comparison Reel from Horton Hears a Who - This is super inspiring stuff and shows how far one can actually go when shooting reference. Awesomes!

Kevin Koch's post about using video reference (triggered by Gabors comparison reel). Theres stuff to be aware of when shooting reference for animation and Kevin Koch has some really nice thoughts about that. He also have a follow up post about the topic. Very interesting stuff.

John Kahrs Splinecast. Andrew Gordon talks to his co-worker at Pixar about polishing your shots. Great Stuff!

Dave Burgess E-Critique for the February 11 Second Club winner, Phillip Hall. This is Animation Mentor all over again. Brings back some really nice memories from my time at the school :) Anyway, this E-Crit is awesome and a must-see for any animator.

And last, but not least....The Goonies. I'm a huge fan of that movie and Matt Williames seems to be one too. He went ahead and visited the locations where the movie was shot. Cool post and some nice pictures from that trip.

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