Saturday, August 25, 2007

First week at Ambient :)

I just finished my first week at Ambient Entertainment in Hannover, Germany. It's still hard to believe that I'm actually working on a feature film - it's so freakin' awesome! I played around with some rigs the first day, got an introduction by the supervisor and met the people (most of them) that are working at the company. Everybody is super nice and I already know I'm gonna love it here. My first shot was approved by the supervisor today and that was a really really good feeling :). I'm really looking forward to spend the next 4 months here. I feel sooo lucky going straight from school and into being a character animator at Ambient.

Hannover is really nice. It's tons of people everywhere, but
it's still kinda quiet and relaxed here. A real contrast to LA which was really busy and actually also a big contrast to Norway. Wherever I go, people are very very nice and if they don't speak English (most do though), pointing and gesturing works totally fine.

Being away from my wife is a lot harder than I thought it would be, but she's probably gonna come pretty soon to check out appartments (wonder why she don't trust me about that). Hopefully within a couple of weeks we have found something and she's gonna move down here as well. Looking forward to that :)


  1. Anonymous10:00 AM

    Good Luck in Germany!
    .. and keep us posted!


  2. Anonymous8:27 PM

    Congratulations on your new job, Martin!


  3. congratulation Martin!


  4. Congrats Martin, keep it up!
    I remember your C1 assignments when i still was figuring out if AM was worth it. Cool to see you do so well.

  5. Welcome to hannover dude. Don't you forget about the life drawing :)

  6. Thanks a lot guys :)

    Next week we go, Ivo ;) Really looking forward to it.

    - Martin
